


Protect the Traict and its environment
Please help us protect the environment of the Croisic outstanding site.
This site is the French’s leader for the aquaculture of common cockle (Cerastoderma edule)
(2.000T/year) wich requires clean water free from faecal bacteria.
Therefore it is forbidden to flush your toilet in the harbour.
Tanks for using our facilities when you are staying with us.

For safety reason, the harbour office took out the dinghy rack of the “8 mai” square.
A new rack is in study. It will arrive during winter.

Reminder: The slipway

The access control of the slipway is working.

If you don’t have the access badge, please come at the office during opening time
(Tab: Marina of Le Croisic then Welcome to the public)

Tank you for your understanding